Mittwoch, 22. April 2015

FAQ Series #4: How do you fight post travelling depression?

Alright, if anyone of my friends is reading this post right now, they're might be lying on the floor laughing their butts off, because I'm usually the last person you should ask this question. I'm always sad to leave beautiful places, who isn't? But as the long time traveller as I am, I learn more myself after every trip and I suppose I can start giving some advice about how to fight your post travelling depression. Let's give it a try ;)

1. Don't stress yourself out

Y es, we all work. And you probably gonna start your job again after a day or two you're back home. It's normal. Don't start to stress your mind out by checking all your E-Mails as soon as the plane touches the ground, or thinking about what's on your bucket list on your office table. That's not how it works. Don't throw yourself into everything immediately... Maybe start your first day by having a coffee with your co-workers and see what the priorities are. Try to keep the holiday vibes as long as you can. It's a great relaxed Feeling that should last. :)

2. Share your adventures

Meet your friends and your Family. You could maybe organize a Little home Party and make a Diashow of the photos you shot during your trip. Tell them your stories, your best of while being on the road, make them laugh with the incredibly funny things you've experienced. You'll have a laugh with them for sure , and this brightens the mood up.

3. Build new things into your Routine

There we go, this is the most scary Topic. Even for me, that's what gives me shiver down my spine when I think about it: going back to the usual Routine. You are able to actually change it a bit and make it more exciting! I love to build things into my everyday life I've learned while I was travelling. This can include very simple things, like cooking dishes you discovered during your vacation and didn't know the existence about. Or, you tried a bunch of different types of sports and you might liked one of them. So why don't look for it back home? Ok, if you tried Surfing and you live in a place with no beach, you should find an alternative ;)

4. Float into memories

I obviously like to write, it helps me a lot to get over the Holiday blues, I can get over it. Get through your past days as a traveller by organizing your photos, by reading your diaries or just finding a place in your livingroom for your souvenirs. It's nice to make your own resumee, I'm sure you will get a lot of positivity from it.

5. Make new plans

Yeah, absolutely. You maybe have something in mind already, right? An idea, a place you always wanted to visit, or you have some friends abroad. Planning your next trip will keep your mind focused on the good parts coming and since you'll have a great upcoming roadtrip, a weekend, or even just a single day in a different city to look forward to.

Photo shot in Brisbane, Australia
Photo shot in Brisbane, Australia

I hope this helped you a Little bit out :) Some days it's harder than others, but hey, you're not alone with this for sure!</

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